On Evolving Stories and New Chapters
By Erica Fischer-Kaslander
This week we publicly celebrated the relaunch of our organization’s identity as “Child Focus.” When I started in this position 17 years ago, I never thought there would someday be a need or opportunity to rebrand Passaic County CASA.
Al Marcus, CASA volunteer, and Erica Fischer-Kaslander
As we’ve grown, expanded, and continued to dedicate ourselves to the best interests of our community’s most vulnerable youth, the needs of our children have grown and changed. It’s within that ongoing growth and change that we identified the need to grow and change as well, both alongside them and in response to their needs.
The second case we ever opened as Passaic County CASA was a three-year-old boy, J. I’ve spoken about him many times over the years and probably will continue to for years to come. A victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome, J couldn’t walk or talk. He was assigned his CASA volunteer in early 2008, and that case is still open. That’s more than 16 years of advocacy. Al Marcus, J’s CASA volunteer, has been the only consistent person in his life. Throughout his time in care, there have been dedicated and passionate judges, caseworkers, law guardians, and other stakeholders working on his case, but by its very nature, the system is replete with turnover, with revolving doors. Al, though, has remained and is J’s constant.
I first met J at an institution for medically fragile children. That moment remains clear in my mind’s eye: walking toward his room, I saw a determined preschooler army crawling across the hallway, an empty wheelchair behind him. That determination has not waned since.
In the last 16 years, J’s journey has been unpredictable. Steps forward and steps back – great gains in physical and developmental abilities, yet often complicated by health challenges. For the last dozen or so years, he’s been living in a wonderful facility that meets his needs for life. While J will never be able to live independently, he has gained the ability to walk with assistance and can communicate through assistive technology. Most recently, J has even begun to speak a few words!
Now, as we launch this new chapter in our organization’s life, from Passaic County CASA beginnings to today’s multi-county, multi-program Child Focus, it is not lost on me that in this same week J also begins a new chapter. His case officially closes in court and with CASA, as he is now 21 years old and ineligible to be part of the foster care system. J’s care will transfer to New Jersey’s adult support system.
Like J’s journey, the launch of Child Focus has not been quick. Over the last several years, there have been countless discussions and myriad considerations across every level of the organization. The process has seen stops and starts as we pivoted to address unexpected and urgent needs. Careful planning and attention have been taken so the organization is where it needs to be to ensure the success of all its programs, the children relying upon them, and the ability to continue pivoting and growing when the need arises. That is, after all, the only way to get the job done.
My heart is with J as he begins his next chapter, and I know his trusted Al will be alongside him — albeit not in an official CASA role — to ensure he continues to feel continuity and stability and to know someone will always believe in him.
Here at Child Focus, my heart and head are ready for the next adventures, challenges, and chances to ensure other children will know they are cared for, believed in, and supported. Growth brings opportunity and today, here at Child Focus, opportunity abounds. Won’t you join us to help be the difference for youth like J? Be part of this new and exciting chapter; log on to www.childfocusnj.org now for all the ways you can find your focus and change a life.